I pulled out my convention guide from the last convention we attended (Philadelphia, 2003) so here are some of the sample sessions:
Friday is pre-conference day. There are pre-conference sessions during the day, either full day or half day.
1) Helping your child make friends
2) Fostering communication in children with Ds
3) Supporting children with difficult behaviors
4) handwriting without tears
5) Improving your child's feeding and speaking
6) Integrated employement
Late afternoon: sharing sessions for parents broken out by age groups
Evening: Reception and silent auction
Mixer for teens and self-advocates
Opening session including welcomes and introductions as well as the keynote presentation. One of the presentations was by Meredith Martin, a self advocate entitled, "Families, Friends, Freedom... Fly!" She was amazing.
Workshops for the rest of the day:
1) James McDonald, author of
Communicating with your Child discusses improving communication
2) Sara Rosenfeld-Johnson, author of
Oral Motor Excercises for Speech Clarity discusses ways to improve speech
3) Promoting health and well being in Adults with Ds
4) A conversation about grandchildren
5) How to paint the preschool red!
6) Libby Kumin, author of
Communication Skills in Children with Ds discusses what to do before your baby is talking
7) Developing positive social relationships
Obstructive sleep apnea
9) Making inclusive education work
10) Developing a family plan
11) Supporting people with difficult behaviors
12) The role of siblings
13) Dr. George Capone discusses current research developments
14) Sensory processing disorder
15) Community employment opportunities for people with disabilities
16) Inclusion in faith communities
17) Students providing opportunites for integration
Early intervention
19) A conversation about the book
Choosing Naia
20) Sharing wisdom gained from the journey
21) Speech intelligibility
More keynote speeches incuding the author of
Riding the Bus with My Sister.
Reception, Banquet, and Awards Ceremony.
22) Ear, nose, and throat concerns
23) Excercise for those with Ds
24) Literacy tips
25) Handwriting without tears
26) Collabrative supports for success in college
27) Healthy Eating
Medical concerns
29) Conversaion for young adults
30) Teaching math
31) Dual diagnosis: Ds and PDD in children
32) Moving from school to adult life
33) Estate planning
34) Report from Washington DC
35) Improving verbal communication
36) Sexuality, Socialization, and self-protection
37) Choosing a healthy lifestyle
Dual diagnosis: Ds and PDD in adults
39) Immunology and persons with Ds
Closing session followed by Q&A with some presenters