gina Senior Member
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Posted: October 19 2006, 10:33 AM Post subject: Do we have a reading list
What is the reading list thus far? I just finished the Memory Keeper's Daugher and what is the next book?
_________________ Gina & Craig Parents of Tegin 9/3/99 & Koda 12/12/03
jennifergg Senior Member
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Posted: October 19 2006, 11:11 AM Post subject:
I have to say, not at this point. I thought we might see how the discussion for MEMORY KEEPER'S DAUGHTER goes, and from it, determine what the level of interest is. I think it would be a great idea to have different people "host" the reading group, too.
Anyone else want to add any thoughts here?
_________________ Jennifer Graf Groneberg
CAmommy2KJ Super Moderator
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Posted: October 25 2006, 7:50 AM Post subject:
Don't know if you want to stick with the Down syndrome theme, but there is an awesome book by Gail Gaymer Martin called
The Christmas Kite.
A Boy's Special Gifts: With joy in his heart, 8 year old Mac Hayden sought out all kinds of adventures. And when he saw man with a kite, Mac bounded over to make a new friend. He didn't think that his being different would deter anyone from accepting him. And he wouldn't take no for an answer as he pulled the aloof Jordan Baird into his happy-go-lucky world.
A Mother's Love: After her in-laws gave her payoff money to rid themselves of her and her little boy, single mom Meara Hayden wanted to start over somewhere new. With her abundant faith and her son's enthusiasm, she knew she could do it. She just never thought one simple kite soaring in the sky could lead her to love again.
A Man's Journey: Having stumbled off the beaten path, Jordan Baird felt as aimless as the kites he made. He'd lost his beloved wife and child and led a reclusive life, paying a self-imposed penance. But unexpectedly a mother and her son had him believing in new possibilities, in the happiness of love and faith in God. Did Jordan dare dream of the riches life had to offer?
ImperfectMe Senior Member
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Posted: October 30 2006, 12:16 PM Post subject:
I read the Christmas Kite and I LOVED it!!
I agree that it would be fun to have different people lead the discussion, that also takes the responsibility off of any ONE person.
I'd be interested in leading one.
_________________ CJ
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jennifergg Senior Member
Joined: 21 Jun 2006

Last Visit: 22 Oct 2007 Posts: 305 Location: Northwest Montana
Posted: October 30 2006, 1:43 PM Post subject:
It sounds like a really fun book to read for the holidays. I haven't read it, so I couldn't lead the discussion, but I sure would participate.
If we put GIFTS off until January, it would give everyone time to read it. There might be more enthusiasm once people start getting their copies...
Let me know if CHRISTMAS KITE is up next and I will order it!
Thanks for the input, everyone!
_________________ Jennifer Graf Groneberg