I liked it. I thought it was fascinating to have the scenes featuring Adam him juxtaposed with the story of the pregnancy. Of course, what we all probably wish for is a whole book about Adam himself...a whole collection of Adam stories! But I thought the technique illustrated an important point--that at a given moment in time, we can be so blind to the implications of our choices, and the future that awaits. We can be so sure our life is falling apart, and yet something lovely may be in store. To show M agonizing over A's diagnosis, then jump to a charming anecdote about him, was a good way to teach that principle, I think.
Kathryn Lynard Soper
mother of Thomas (DS) 10/2005
Sam - 2003
Matt - 2001
Christine - 1999
Andrew - 1997
Ben - 1994
Elizabeth - 1993